Sunday, June 28, 2015

Cervical length checks

 I hit another milestone when I passed 13 weeks, and made it to my 14 week appointment. This one was the first where they really focused on checking my cervix. It was about 4.6 cm. The next appointment was at 17 weeks (actually, I went to the er a few days before this appointment because I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. But it was fine). My cervix still measured nice and long. And! We found out we are having a little girl!!!!! So excited. We planned a gender reveal party for our families that following weekend and it was a lot of fun. And made things seem so much more real. We began to get some things for baby girl. Well, we didn't buy them ourselves but friends and families began giving things to us. I also spent some time emptying the room which will become the nursery. We still have to paint and decorate. :)

Then at 20 weeks we had another scan. Baby looked great, measuring even a little bit ahead. The problem came when they checked my cervix. It was down to 3.6 cm and funneling down to less than 1! It was terrifying, it looked like my baby girl was going to come right out. My doctor immediately inserted a pessary, as she doesn't like to do cerclages at this point. She also gave me a prescription for progesterone suppositories.


  1. Hi! Thanks for sharing your blog with me! If it's okay with you I'd love to link to it from my blog. The more encouragement and experiences we can all share the better. Please know that you're now in my prayers. I know exactly what you're going through and the emotional roller coaster this puts us on. But we will be victorious. In all things, we're not going to give up. Today was a hard day for me (I'll blog about it later :-). But just know it involves a lot of crying and praying. I had to encourage myself. And then, I experienced another But God moment...

    Stay encouraged. The Logan's are praying for you and your sweet baby girl!


  2. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. :) Of course I don't mind at all if you link to it. I think more women need to share their stories and get encouragement and talk about these hard things, that for some reason are kept "hush hush".

    I'll be following along and praying for you too!
